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Obedience Challenge - Day 20


Welcome to today's Obedience Challenge! We're continuing an inspiring 90 day Journey through the Gospels, learning to love Jesus and be his disciples.

The Scripture reading for today is: Matthew 20

Click HERE to read it in the NIV

Click HERE to read or listen to it in the ESV

Click HERE to read it in the KJV


Today, we're meditating on the command of Jesus in Matthew 5:46-48 where Jesus says, "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."


How can a Christian truly keep this -- how can we live out that "perfect love" that characterizes our Father's love for even his enemies? Yesterday's video talked about how we can do obey the command to "be perfect."

The value of a mentor for your discipleship

Reach out: Check in with your mentor... Just do it. Maybe you’re tired of it, but the “one another” commands of the Bible are reminders that we are not Rambo, or the Lone Ranger. We need each other. There’s something about the honesty and accountability that helps you grow faster than ever before! It's crucial for discipleship. ~Darrell

Struggling with how to do discipleship in the smaller church?

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Pastors of smaller churches are frequently frustrated with discipleship. The number one response to the question “What is your biggest challenge with discipleship?” is this: “The biggest problem with my plan is that it doesn't exist.”

Don’t be that guy! Without a clear plan, we’ll never be able to multiply disciple-makers, as Paul commands Timothy to do in 2 Timothy 2:2: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” Notice the 4 generations of disciples there in that one verse? Paul must have had a clear discipleship strategy – a clear plan that Timothy knew how to reproduce! 


If you need one (and you do!) then try out the discipleship strategy at NewStart Discipleship tools. You can get some free discipleship tools immediately by email, to help you start planning your disciple-making strategy.

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